Victory for Art


The Nike of Samothrace

The Nike of Samothrace

The ‘Nike of Samothrace,’ also known as ‘The Winged Victory of Samothrace’ is a marble sculpture representing the goddess, Nike (Victory)

This Hellenistic statue with its characteristic windblown draperies has been the presiding Queen of the Louvre since its discovery in 1863 on the island of Samothrace.

She is an imposing eight-foot tall iconic figure displayed at the head of the Daru staircase. Her central position symbolically divides the visitors ascending the stairs to the right and left.

Nike on the Daru staircase in the Louvre.

Nike on the Daru staircase in the Louvre.

In my science fiction time-travel novel in progress, ‘Cherry White,’ the Nike represents the victory of humans splitting from their ape ancestors 43,000 years ago to create the first cave paintings at Lascaux, France.

Paleolithic cave painting in Lascaux, France - c. 43,000 B.C.

Paleolithic cave painting in Lascaux, France – c. 43,000 B.C.






If creativity symbolizes the pinnacle of man’s evolution, then the muses of old, charged with guiding the minds of artists, may be the ethereal winged messengers who continue to influence the evolution of the arts.

The statue’s arms are now lost, however, the right hand was recovered along with an earlier relic of a finger, and both are displayed under glass in the Louvre Museum.

If Nike’s head were to be found it would alter forever this enigmatic messenger who sees more and says more without eyes or mouth.











About Veronica Knox

Veronica Knox has a Fine Arts Degree from the University of Alberta, where she studied Art History, Classical Studies, and Painting. In her career as a graphic designer, illustrator, private art teacher, and ‘fine artist,’ she has also worked with the brain-injured and autistic, developing new theories of hand-to-eye-to-mind connection. Veronica lives on the west coast of Canada, supporting local animal rescue shelters, painting, writing, editing other author’s novels, and championing the conservation of tigers and elephants, and their habitats. Her artwork and visuals to support ‘Second Lisa’ may be viewed on her website -
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2 Responses to Victory for Art

  1. Beautiful statue in marble yet ! I hope they find her head one day. Thanks for the education Ms. Knox.

  2. I so hope they never find it. The Nike is so perfect as she is, and the museum may display her differently. She’s a beacon of art history. I love that she can see more without having eyes. Thanks Rauni

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